terms and conditions

This agreement is made between Peas in a Pod Agency and the Parents/Guardians using the booking service provided by Peas in a Pod Agency for the engagement of Babysitters or Nannies for the care of the children of the Parents/Guardians. It is at all times subject to the following Terms and conditions:

  1. By placing a booking the Parties agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

  2. In this agreement the following definitions apply:

    • “Babysitter/Nanny” means the person entrusted to care for the child of the parent/guardian.

    • “Parent/Guardian” means the person representing to have the care and control of the child for whom the booking has been made.

    • “Working with Children Check” means an application to the appropriate authority pursuant to the Working with Children Act 2005, or any subsequent legislation.

    • Words with a singular meaning also incorporate the plural meaning of that word.

  3. Peas in a Pod Agency is at all times only a booking agency and does not employ or contract the Babysitter or Nanny engaged to care for the child. The Parent/Guardian is the principal contractor of the Babysitter/nanny who is working independently. It is, at all times, the responsibility of the Parent/guardian to approve and accept the suitability of the Babysitter/Nanny to care for their child.

  4. Peas in a Pod Agency will conduct a working with children check in relation to all Babysitters/Nannies and not act as an agent for any person who does not pass the appropriate standard to work directly with children. It does not, however, provide any warranty or guarantee of the fitness of the Babysitter/Guardian for the care of the particular child in the circumstances.

  5. The Parent/Guardian acknowledges that it will be bound by these term and conditions and upon making a booking with Peas in a Pod Agency, or completing a registration form is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions.

Nanny Agency Fees

Agency searchers fee and monthly subscription fee *please note as a of 1 August 2022 our fees have changed

  • $100 (exc. GST) searchers fee is non-refundable. If we do not find someone, it cannot be refunded to you.

  • This fee covers for 6 month of searching, whether a nanny is found or not. After the 6 month period the fee search period will expire, and the $100 (exc GST) must be paid again.

  • Once you pay the $100 (exc.GST) searchers fee, your credit card details are safely saved (through a fully encrypted payment system via Stripe)

  • Once a nanny has been placed, $120 (exc. GST) ($30 a week) is debited from your card on their first day. Total price deducted including GST is $132. The agency finding fee subscription is paid one a month in advance.

  • If you require an invoice each month please let us know, as they are not automatic. However, if you're away or your nanny misses a day and you fee has been reduced an invoice will be sent without request.

The $120 monthly agency finding fee subscription provides you with

  • A highly skilled nanny that has been vetted thoroughly by Peas in a Pod

  • Reliability: if the nanny is sick/away, a replacement can be found. If a replacement can’t be found, the monthly subscription will be reduced pro- rata.

  • Casual babysitting: The subscription allows you to use your nanny as a casual sitter e.g., night-time sitting

  • If you require two nannies, the weekly fee is $35 (exc. GST) and you are able to use both as much as required on a casual basis on top of the regular work

If your nanny is unable to make their regular shift

  • If you require less than 1 week of cover, we require 24 hour notice.

  • If you need more than 1 week of cover, we require seven days’ notice to give us time to organise.

  • If a replacement cannot be found, the monthly subscription fee will be reduced pro-rata, depending on how many days were missed

  • If you don’t require your nanny because you are away please notify the agency with seven days’ notice so we can amend your fee accordingly e.g. away for a month and don’t use your nanny – no fee charged.

  • If you don't require your nanny to work due to unforeseen circumstances e.g. sickness simply let us know via email before the sitter is due to arrive and the weekly subscription fee will be waived pro-rata.

*Note: when booking a casual Peas sitter, there is a usually $25 booking fee each time. However, as you are engaging your nanny on an ongoing basis, this fee doesn’t apply. If you wish to book a casual sitter (that is not your nanny) for ad hoc reasons, please book online at: https://www.peasinapodagency.com.au/bookasitter

Payment of the agency fee monthly subscription is direct debited through Stripe. If you wish to be sent a monthly invoice this can also be arranged. However, if you fail to pay the invoice after 2 weeks of the issue date, the agency will direct debit the fee.

Treatment of the Nanny

The agency does not set the nannies rate, each nanny sets their own rate based on their age, experience and qualifications levels. Thus, the agency recommends that nannies charge in accordance with the minimum award rate.

Nannies are considered under the miscellaneous award. Click here to see the penalty rates for overtime and work after 7pm or weekends. https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/CheckPay/Summary

  • The family pays the nanny directly through bank transfer either weekly or fortnightly

  • The nanny is a sub-contractor for your family and therefore needs to pay their own tax and put aside money to pay their own personal super. It is recommended that each nanny has their own ABN for these purposes.

It is important that the nanny is treated with respect, dignity, and professionalism

  • Before the nanny starts, make sure that you clearly communicate your expectations in regard to what you want them to do.

  • The main priority of any Peas nanny is to assure that your children are safe and happy. They are also there to help make your life easier with some light housework.

    • Light housework such as wiping down bench, stacking/unpacking dishwasher, preparing dinner and lunch for next day etc

  • It is important to note that they are not a cleaner, if you would like them to do house-keeping jobs in additional to looking after the kids, the nanny must be okay to do this and it might involve the nanny charging a higher rate.

Please email or call us if you are no longer engaging your Peas nanny.

Casual Babysitting Fees

Casual babysitting is charged per booking.

  • To book a casual babysitter, there is a $25 booking fee once the sitter has been confirmed

  • For same day bookings, there is an additional $10 rush fee. Therefore, the fee is $35

  • For out of town bookings (not in metropolitan Sydney or Melbourne), there is a $40 booking fee per day

Casual Babysitting Cancellation Policy

Clients will be provided with a refund or booking credit if they cancel a booking 12 hours or more prior to the shift start time. If a booking is cancelled within 12 hours of the start time, the client forfeits the booking credit.

For same day bookings, or bookings made within 12 hours of the start time, there is a $25 booking fee and $10 rush fee to find a sitter. If no sitter is found, the client is entitled to a partial refund of $10.

Peas in a Pod is built on a strong system of trust. Our sitters understand how important this is and regularly communicate with Peas in a Pod on feedback and current working arrangements.

Using a Peas sitter behind the back of the agency could result in a blacklist from the service.