“I am not from Melbourne, so nannying for Peas was a great way for me to find work and meet new people! I have such a social day when I nanny, meeting up with other nannies in my area and taking our kiddos to museums or the park. After being matched with an amazing family I worked with them for 6 months before they decided to take me on holiday with them. It was the most amazing experience, traveling America and Europe creating memories with the boys and getting to explore the other side of the world. I’ve now been with the same family for over a year and love it.”

Grace, 2 years with the agency

“I love working with Peas, as there is this safety net - knowing I can text the team about anything. If I’ve got a question or something has gone wrong, you’ve got the support of the entire Peas team, which is made up of young girls who are all nannies themselves. I’ve worked with nearly 20 families in my time at Peas and have never had any issues, but just knowing they’re there if you need them makes all the difference!”

Demi, 2 years with the agency

One of the really great things about nannying for Peas is that two of the families I work for, both the Mums work in the Public Health Sector. They've both been such amazing sound boards to work through the challenges of picking a career. Having someone who has been through all the same experiences, and wants to see you succeed has been such a valuable connection for me”

Catherine, 6 years with the agency

“I’ve got one regular family but i’ve worked with over 30 casual families, and they’ve all been amazing. Beautiful parents and lovely kids and you always feel safe because of the way that Peas finds all their families is through a word of mouth. So often you’ll babysit for a family and two weeks later you’ll babysit for another family who had heard about you from a previous Peas family. It makes the biggest different in making me feel safe knowing that these lovely families are all friends with each other”

Francessca, 2 years with the agency

“I’ve only been with the agency for 6 months, but I am just loving it. It’s so flexible, you’re able to meet new people, make new friends through the other nannies and other sitters which is just an amazing opportunity to get connected with people all around Melbourne. Further, the families are always so lovely, the kids are so lovely - I’ve just found it to be the best way to explore Melbourne and actually love what I do”

Holly, 6 months with the agency

Three of our gorgeous nannies meeting up to take their kids to the Collingwood Children’s Farm. Nothing makes a shift of nannying more enjoyable then collaborating with the Peas community, if you want to be connected to a sitter in your area, reach out to us today!