A quick peep into my pod


Peas in a Pod has been busy over the holidays and is excited for the year ahead. This year, Peas has introduced a new blog to the site where we hope to share with you all the experiences, individual stories and all the fun happening amongst our growing community. Each week a new story will be posted, sharing the Peas experiences and adventures that have been documented by both sitters and families alike to give you the best insight into what PIAP is really about. Through the blog, we at PIAP hope to share with you, the great work our sitters and nannies are achieving as well as the happy connections the agency is pairing up!

So to kick things off, our very own owner of Peas in a Pod Agency, Emma, has kindly shared her own personal experience with a superstar babysitter that she had as a child. Bridget, or ‘Bridgey’ to Emma and her siblings was utterly adored by all of Emma’s family.

“Bridget was a genuine person; she was genuinely interested in what we were doing, both in school and outside of school and she would always listen to us with sincere interest.”

Bridget kept Emma and her brothers active; she would often take them to the park where she would push them so high on the swing they could almost reach out and touch the sky.

“Everytime we went to the park we begged Bridgey to do the “rocket ship” on the swings with us. Bridgey would lift us really high, making the noises of a spaceship,and push us into take off.”

It was these little things unique to Bridget that made her so special to Emma and her brothers. Not only did Bridget occupy Emma and her brothers with games but she would always read books with them putting on different voices for different characters and creating excitement within each story.

“Mum and dad loved Bridgey too! She was such a massive help around the house; she’d  always help with the washing when us kids were occupied or in bed and she’d prepare and make dinner for us all. She really became part of our family, and when she no longer could babysit us, we were so upset and constantly asking mum and dad to have her back!”

Emma has always felt so lucky to have grown up with such a great nanny. The positive experience that Bridget created for her family is what Emma and PIAP aim to reproduce amongst its own community of sitters and families.

“I was so fortunate to have had a babysitter that my family and I utterly adored and appreciated, and I hope, through Peas, that we can keep creating these experiences for families around Melbourne.”

Emma Wright-Smith